
In The Word // Jeremiah 29:13

April 29, 2014

One of my faith based goals on my 101 in 1001 list is to memorize 10 bible verses. I've never been good with remembering scripture which drives me crazy! I just don't understand how I can remember all of the songs on the radio or an article I read in a magazine, but when it comes to His Word I struggle? 

I've recently started the latest She Reads Truth study, The Risen Christ, and I'm really enjoying it. The first day had a verse that has truly stuck with me. 

So I'm going to work everyday to remember this verse. It is short and sweet, straight to the point. 

I want to seek for Christ in everything I do! I want it to be something I don't even have to put effort toward, like breathing day and night. I want my first breath every morning to be His. Not waking with a heavy head but waking with a passion to do His will. 

We will find Christ when we search for Him with all of our heart. In everything; life, family, marriage, work. All of it. He is here. Keep His word fresh in your mind and in your heart. Remembering the words and where you first read them. Using His Word as a sword for protection against the enemy and light to guide you every day. Use it to bring others closer to Him. His Word is power and when you fill your heart with that kind of power, you change everything. So let's search for Him wholeheartedly & find Him.

All of your heart for His Kingdom. Starting with one verse at a time. 

What is your favorite bible verse you have memorized?
How do you keep His Word fresh in your mind and heart?

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Kelli B said...

This is great, Cassie! I've been thinking the same thing lately because I find it hard to memorize Scripture or even get into it every single day. I recently read Psalm 119 which is all about keeping The Word in our hearts and living by it. And my favorite verse is Zephaniah 3:17! It gives me great joy to know that our Lord delights in me and sings over me. I write out Scripture on index cards and leave them in my planner and I try to write them around the house so I'll see them often. Great post!

CassieEliya said...

Thanks! I need to do the index card thing... And writing them down over and over helps me too!

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