
Cleaning Schedule.

February 25, 2014

Ever since our wedding day and moving in together I have been trying to figure out the best cleaning schedule for our life and our home. I did a lot of research and tried different ones but I’m pretty big on following rules and guidelines so when a certain day came around and I didn’t have time to complete the tasks that day I felt so defeated and then my whole week was off track. I felt like I was always behind because we are very busy people and since we both love to entertain we always had a reason to keep the house in order which was very helpful. During the past several months I realized that as the schedules changed on the fridge I never stuck to what any of them said but our house was normally clean. I then started to realize what I was doing all along was a type of cleaning schedule already so I tried to keep track of the things I was doing on a daily and weekly basis. I also started to notice the things that were lacking so I could add them to the list I was creating and then before I knew it the list below was made.

I really think this type of cleaning schedule works best for our busy schedule because I know what little things need to be completed daily and then the more tedious ones are set to weekly so I can work on those Monday-Friday and then complete whatever was not done on the weekends. Like I said before, we both love to entertain so weekends are usually busy and the house is normally ready for some kind of dinner or party so the time leftover is spent straightening up from whatever we had at the house.

I know this schedule will change many times but that is what works for us
during this season of our life & I really enjoy it!

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