The women’s conference was so wonderful and I absolutely loved every second of it!! It was overwhelming in the most perfect way and I truly learned so much. I was also excited to attend this conference with my cousin, Meghan. We are just now getting to know each other and I’m starting to wonder why it took us so long because we have so much in common and have a ton of fun together. So thankful for this new friendship that we have found.
Most of the conference was spent taking notes and learning from the speakers but we also had some time to worship. Oh my goodenss, let me talk about that for a minute... I have never felt so emotional during a worship service in my entire life. For the first time ever I was in a room full of women that were singing to their Savior and not even once did I hear a man’s voice. It completely shook me. I had tears streaming down my cheeks and I couldn’t stop it. Everywhere I looked I saw women wiping their faces and raising their hands without any second thought. It made me feel strong and important and worthy of this womanhood that God has given me. He made us to be strong, strong enough to carry the feminine parts of His love and share it with the world.
We sang this song during our worship time and I couldn't help but feel the true power of His love.
You Are Faithful
the village church
faithful are You
and gracious to us
that You would save us
a guilty race
a name so holy
so sweet yet mighty
how could You place it
on our heads
You are faithful
You are gracious
You alone are God
Your name will always be
the only covering
over all my guilt and shame
Your name
You are faithful
You are gracious
You alone are God
yea... so good right? Imagine almost 900 women in one room singing this to the Lord. It was amazing! I will never forget the way I felt in that room. All the many things I learned about my body AND my soul will always stay with me. I am starting the Ezer Bible Study at my church next week and I pray that I soak everything in so I can help encourage others through my writing on this blog. I want everything I share here to point toward His love and His redemption... that is all I want.
He is everything.
SO happy for you. Worship like that always rocks me into tears! Praying for you friend!
I'm thankful for our new friendship too, Cassie! Love ya!-Meghan
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