
brother littles.

February 13, 2019

I haven't shared a list of little things since last summer, and I really do love them. Especially that one brother littles that I shared when Asher was just two weeks old. Just reading through those and looking at the newborn pictures oozing with sweetness almost killed me. How is it possible for that to be over a year ago now. I still pray constantly for Solomon and Asher to love and respect each other for all their lives. 

one // the way Solomon says "hey buddy!!" in the sweetest most tender voice, whenever Asher wakes up from his nap everyday. He almost always demands to hold Asher for just a few seconds, which is hilarious since he definitely doesn't fit in his lap. 

two // how Asher tries to copy EVERYTHING that Solomon does. All the time. I also try and use this truth to teach Solomon to be a good leader, but he is a three year old, so I'll let you guess how that conversation goes sometimes. 

three // watching the boys wrestle and play with Peter every night before bed is seriously one of my favorite parts of my day. The excitement and laughing that happens in those moments is so good for my soul. 

four // the few times that I have taken Asher somewhere without Solomon, he always looks over to Solomon's seat with confusion when I get him out of the car. I always see a little glimpse of sadness in his eyes when he realizes that Solomon isn't with us. And when I take Solomon somewhere without Asher for "Mommy and Solomon time" he constantly asks where is Asher, and why isn't he with us. I love so much that they are more comfortable together than they are apart. 

five // whenever I talk to Solomon about having another baby in the family one day, he repeatedly says only brothers. If I say anything about God giving us a baby sister, then he says no, I only want a brother. I guess that means he's happy with Asher around...? 

six // the way their eyes light up when they are laughing together. Sometimes I don't even know why they are laughing, and it's like pure magic between them. It doesn't happen a ton now, because of their ages, but I can feel their relationship getting sweeter and deeper, and that makes me incredibly happy. 

Solomon, pretty much a constant blur whenever daddy is around! ;) 

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