
a day in our life // 009

January 17, 2019

I almost decided not to share this "Day In Our Life" post because it wasn't as great as most of mine. I didn't have time to pull out the big camera and take a thousand photos like I normally do. Most of the time, these posts consist of 40+ photos, this one is only thirteen. It was a busy day, full of fun things to do and very little time to think about capturing it all. But, then I realized how most of our days are busy and full now. We have two boys to keep us on our toes, literally chasing them and playing with them and watching them grow up before our eyes. So, I decided to share the little bits of yesterday, because like I always say, I want to remember the details!! 

1.16.19 // wednesday

8:00 - I wake up from hearing Asher cry out form his crib. Peter goes to get him and brings him to our bed, which already has a sleeping Solomon, between us. He made his way to our bed around 5AM like most mornings. I nurse Asher while Solomon still sleeps, then Asher is ready to wake up his brother. Sweet giggles and hugs start our day! 

Since it is Wednesday, that means we have to rush around and get ready for M2M! Of course Asher sleeps in a little later than normal (usually he wakes up around 7:30) so we all have to hurry. Thankfully, Peter is still home also and helps get the boys in the car after they are dressed and ready, then I give him a ride to work on the way! 

8:40 - On our way to M2M and I'm one of those crazy ladies who does her makeup at the red lights. Whatever works, right?!? 

8:55 - We make it to the church just in time and I drop the boys off at their classes so I can go to my bible study. 

11:15 - The bible study is over and I pick up the boys, have a quick potty break and then we head outside to throw rocks and run around with friends for a little bit. One of Solomon's favorite parts of his day after M2M. 

11:30 - We drive home for lunch and Peter is there also. He always walks home from work since his office is a four minute walk. I love that he can come home almost every day. 

11:50 - Asher falls asleep in the car so I take him upstairs to rock and nurse him a bit before laying him down. Peter makes Solomon and PB & Honey sandwich and eats lunch with him. 

12:10 - Since Peter is home, I need to run to the post office to mail some Color Street nail sets to customers. It's so much easier to run in and do that without the boys! 

12:20 - Peter walks back to work and Solomon gets ready to sit down and start his homeschooling time. We start with writing his name and working on A, B and C. 

12:40 - We normally start our day with a bible story and his drawing journal, but today was a little different because of M2M. I was planning on skipping school work on Wednesday and Friday, but Solomon has been asking to do it anyways. Since our Wednesday is usually very busy, I just let him take the lead on those days. 

1:20 - We finish up his art work and workbook pages and we finish by reading Brown Bear Brown Bear, since the colors for today's lesson was brown and blue. I find that most of the homeschooking time takes about an hour a day, give or take. I feel like that is the perfect amount of time to keep his attention and for him to still have fun learning. Since this is all new to us, I'm letting him take the lead with time management for now.

1:30 - Solomon needs to use the bathroom (hallelujah, things are getting much easier with that situation!!) and I start folding some laundry and switch the wet clothes over to the dryer. 

1:45 - Solomon gets a treat and plays with some toys in the playroom while we wait for Asher to wake up. 

2:00 - I end up waking him up since we have to go to Kangaroo Jax to meet all the cousins to play. I change his diaper and we get in the car to go. 

2:30 - We get to Kangaroo Jax and the kids have a great time getting some energy out. 

4:20 - We leave Kangaroo Jax and go to Trader Joe's to pick up some groceries we need. 

5:00 - Once we are home I start getting dinner ready while the boys play. 

5:45 - Peter gets home and the boys are both losing their mind since they are hungry. I turn on an episode of Super Why on Netflix so they can relax on the couch with Peter will I finish up dinner. 

6:08 - We sit down to eat and Solomon very happily prays for the food so he can dig in! We have fish and rice with broccoli and he devours his plate. Sweet boy says thank you and tells me how good his food is several times! Asher eats a ton of broccoli and half a filet of fish also. I love it when we have a fast and easy dinner at home that everyone loves. 

The days are so busy, but they are full of learning, laughing and a lot of grace for all of us.
These are the days that I will always want to remember!!

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