
taking stock // 019

August 20, 2019

Obviously, this space has taken a MAJOR backseat in our busy world. It makes me sad, but it is what it is. I've always said that this blog was mainly just for my memory sake, and now that truth is even more evident. I don't have time to sit and write and edit photos and pour a lot of time behind this laptop screen, and that's ok. Now I only take time to track the big things. Monthly updates for Asher, Solomon Says, Day in our Life, and the random life update posts like this one. It's such a great way to bookmark what is going on in our crazy full life right now, and I love that! 

Making // the playroom ready for school time coming up in the next few weeks!! 
Cooking // as little as possible. It's a problem, especially for our restaurant budget. 
Drinking // cold coffee, all the time. Priorities, right?
Reading // this amazing book, Teaching from Rest, it is so wonderful!!
Wanting // a vacation to Charleston so badly!
Looking // at so much laundry that needs to be folded, that’s a goal for today.
Wishing // for that glorious Fall weather!!!
Enjoying // watching the boys play so well together most of the time. It’s super sweet to watch! Especially how they love to color together, the way Asher watches Solomon is my favorite!
Liking // how Solomon is so interested in reading, I’m excited to start working on some sight words with him. 
Wondering // how long both my boys will be wearing the same size shorts?? It's kind of hilarious how they both can fit in 2T so perfectly. 
Loving // football on the tv, the best season is about to start! 
Hoping // my quiet time will become more consistent once our new school routine picks up.
Marveling // at how the Holy Spirit has been moving within friendships and speaking truth and affirming things in my life recently. It really is such a wonderful gift, and I'm so thankful for the people God has put in my life. 
Needing // a to purge some toys desperately.
Smelling // the geranium essential oil in the house. It's my favorite right now mixed with a little lime, grapefruit and stress away!
Wearing // pjs for as long as we can, which makes less laundry, so it’s a win-win in my book.
Thinking // about how fun the holidays will be this year with Solomon being 4 and Asher almost 2! 
Bookmarking // different bunk beds that I love for the boys. I'm so excited to have them share a room soon in the next few months! 
Opening // all the windows in the car recently and the boys love it! 
Giggling // at all the crazy things that Solomon has said recently, and I'm working on a post about them next week.
Feeling // preparation stirring.

1 comment:

Julie | A Hopeful Hood said...

lime + geranium oil?! I have literally never even heard of those but they sound so summery and fun! You should do a post on your favorite oil combos!!

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