
Goals // 5.14

April 30, 2014

Another month down and now we are heading toward Summer, full speed. I can't believe tomorrow is the first day of May. One of my favorite months and so many exciting things to celebrate ahead. Here's how my goals for April went down, 50% success really is not that great, but I am happy with the ones I did complete!

April Goals
1// update this space with a new blog design
This pretty new space has been visible for most of this month thanks to the design queen, Kelly Hipsher! Let me know if you want her info, I'll gladly pass it along. 

2// finally hang the curtains in the living room
I want to give up, but I will not. 
They will be finished and hanging by the end of May!

3// continue the Total Truth Thursdays link up every week
So much fun and I've really loved this challenge once a week. 
It has taught me to dig deeper with my writing and sharing what is on my heart about each subject!

4// host an Easter lunch at our house
It was such a wonderful day!!! 
See more here if you are interested in the details. 

5// move the chicks out to the back yard
They are out!!! And I blogged a little bit about the move here

6// workout at least three days a week
I just joined the gym... 
So this will be much easier to complete now! 
No excuses!!!

7// plant flowers in our front yard
I'm so disappointed about this but we have gotten a lot of our garden finished
so at least something was accomplished in the yard! 

8// start taking vitamins daily
Nope.... But working on this. 
I still have problems remembering everyday!


May Goals
1// hang those darn Curtains in the living room
2// workout at least three days a week
3// celebrate Madison & Zach's wedding
4// celebrate Peter's Birthday
5// complete the #SheReadsTruth, The Risen Christ, study
6// have a cookout/picnic in our back yard

What are some of the goals that you have set for yourself recently?
Any exciting plans for the month ahead??

In The Word // Jeremiah 29:13

April 29, 2014

One of my faith based goals on my 101 in 1001 list is to memorize 10 bible verses. I've never been good with remembering scripture which drives me crazy! I just don't understand how I can remember all of the songs on the radio or an article I read in a magazine, but when it comes to His Word I struggle? 

I've recently started the latest She Reads Truth study, The Risen Christ, and I'm really enjoying it. The first day had a verse that has truly stuck with me. 

So I'm going to work everyday to remember this verse. It is short and sweet, straight to the point. 

I want to seek for Christ in everything I do! I want it to be something I don't even have to put effort toward, like breathing day and night. I want my first breath every morning to be His. Not waking with a heavy head but waking with a passion to do His will. 

We will find Christ when we search for Him with all of our heart. In everything; life, family, marriage, work. All of it. He is here. Keep His word fresh in your mind and in your heart. Remembering the words and where you first read them. Using His Word as a sword for protection against the enemy and light to guide you every day. Use it to bring others closer to Him. His Word is power and when you fill your heart with that kind of power, you change everything. So let's search for Him wholeheartedly & find Him.

All of your heart for His Kingdom. Starting with one verse at a time. 

What is your favorite bible verse you have memorized?
How do you keep His Word fresh in your mind and heart?

Link up with us and share what you are learning in His Word right now.
Use the button below and link up below!!

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Friday Five

April 25, 2014

It has been an eventful week around here but I love those kind of weeks!! They go by fast and keep me smiling which is always nice. I honestly can't believe that April is almost over, it seemed to go by much faster than the past few months for some reason? Whenever I think things might slow down I stand corrected and realize the days have already passed me by. During the last week these were a few things that kept me giddy.....

1// celebrating Easter as a wife for the first time!!!

2// I really loved reading the wonderful posts on our In The Word link-up. So inspiring to read what other ladies are learning in His word!!

3// my favorite green is growing like a weed in our garden!!! So excited! 

4// sushi date with mom for a Humpday treat!! 

5// the nice gifts that I received from my sweet co-workers for Administrative Professionals Day! It feels so great to be appreciated.
Plantable flowers & a candle from Athro!

Have a lovely weekend!!!

Total Truth // Health

April 24, 2014

{just for the record... the waffle above is my homemade-whole wheat waffles, full of super healthy things and organic strawberries with natural, organic syrup!}

Today's Total Truth Thursday is an open topic which means I can choose whatever I want to talk about. This one was a lot harder to decide than the last open topic (friendship), but with some help from the Husband, I decided to talk about Health. Health is something that is very important to me, although that was not always the case. I used to eat very bad food (aka, McDonalds or Taco Bell) and almost never exercised. This all began to change five years ago when I met Peter. I used to say he was a “food snob” and couldn’t believe that he had never (EVER) eaten at Taco Bell but then I started to realize that he had justified reasons for the things he would eat & the things he would not eat.

Fast forward to October 2012. I was almost engaged and pretty much blind to how overweight I was. It didn't really hit me until February 2013, while I was celebrating my 26th birthday. I then realized that I was extremely unhappy with my health. I had yo-yoed with my weight during the past few years and I was ready to finally make a change. I’ll be honest and admit that most of my drive to change came from my future wedding date. I wanted to look my best, but I also wanted to feel my best.

The picture above still shocks me. At the time when I started this new journey of a healthier lifestyle, I knew I needed to finally step on a scale and figure out what I needed to do. For my age and height I weighed 25 pounds over the TOP of the healthy limit. After losing that 25 pounds over the next seven months I felt like a new person. Today I still fluctuate between 25-30 pounds less than those early months in 2013. It is such a great accomplishment but I would still like to get down in the average healthy limit instead of hanging out at the top of it. I'd like to share the three things that I changed in my life to make this goal a lot easier, and what I plan to do to keep it up!  

1// find a workout that works best for you
When I first started on this journey I joined the BEACHBODY community and absolutely loved it! They have great workout videos, tasty Shakeology drinks, and amazing accountability groups. At the time I was working out almost every day with my mom and we would make sure we pushed each other which was very helpful. 
I’m so thankful for Beachbody and all the results that I received from those workouts but now that I am married I haven’t been able to keep up with them. For the past six months I have struggled with making time to workout. Recently, I realized that I needed to make time during my workday. Thankfully with the gym that we have in my office building I have that ability. I just recently signed up and will spend my lunch hour working out. I'm excited to see the changes in the next few months as I tone up and build my strength again.  

2// seriously consider everything you eat
My life changed drastically when I stopped thinking about my diet as a “diet” and started to see it as a life change. It is okay to splurge and enjoy a burger and fries from a great restaurant but 80% of the time I try my best to only eat healthy, clean foods. I can’t tell you the last time I pulled through a McDonalds or Taco Bell and I honestly like it that way. I like to fill my stomach with food that is going to give me energy and make me healthier, not something that will weigh me down and make me regret my decision. This does not mean that I don’t enjoy the foods I eat, I've just learned what is better for me, and I enjoy them even more now. Keeping healthy snacks near by are also a big change that I have made. I snack on a Larabar, a handful of raw almonds or a piece of fruit instead of snacks that are full of carbs and fat. 
But, seriously… I still need Mexican food at least once a week. That will never change! 

3// don't concentrate on the scale
When you are getting started on this journey you always look at the scale first. You have to so you can know your results, but once you achieve your goal weight it is no longer the biggest factor. Since my wedding day I have fluctuated around five pounds which I think is normal. You are never going to be the same weight every day. What I try and pay more attention to is my clothing and how they are fitting. I have my “skinny pants” that I was not able to wear for almost eight years but in the past year that has changed, they fit now! Whenever I put those pants on and they feel a little snug I know to reevaluate the situation and take a closer look at what I am doing to stay active and what I have been eating. Within a few days of being more careful about what I consume, things are back to normal and my pants are happy, which makes me happy. So, check the scale – but don’t let it determine everything. If your body is happy and you feel healthy then that number you see is usually going to line up with how you feel.   

Of course I am no expert. I am not a doctor. I can only speak from my own experiences and speak truthfully about how I perceive a healthy life. This post is not sponsored by any of the products I mentioned above BUT if you are interested I would gladly point you to my friend, Megan. She is a true inspiration and her passion in life is staying healthy for her family and herself which is my main goal as well.

Total Truth Thursday

Check out my past Total Truth posts below... 


April 23, 2014

Today is day 10 of the #PROJECTLOVE Instagram challenge and I have absolutely loved it. For as long as I can remember I have deeply connected with songs about Christ. I believe that it was songs of praise that called me to believe in Him. They made me aware of His love and I know He used those chords, words and verses to allow my heart to trust in His Love. The way that the songs and melodies can become stuck in my head and my heart make my days better. Make me feel Him more at my deepest self at any moment.

When I first saw this challenge I started to hear songs of praise in my head. I then thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite songs with everyone and share His Love in that way. Below are all the photos from the past ten days along with what I feel that song best represents about God's deep Love for all of us.

His Love is BIG
God With Us // All Sons & Daughters

His Love is SELFLESS
Hosanna // Hillsong United

His Love makes us BRAVE
Ocean // Hillsong United

ask for His Love to HUMBLE
Deliver Me // Bethany Dillon
{probably my most favorite song ever!}

That's How You Forgive // Shane&Shane

His Love is the sweetest FRIENDSHIP
This Is Our God // Hillsong

His Love creates one FAMILY
Hold Us Together // Matt Maher

His Love is a GIFT
Sweetly Broken // Jeremy Riddle 

His Love shows us ACTS 
of Great Expectation
I Will Look Up // Evolution Church

Check out the challenge below on Instagram
for a TON of inspiration about LOVE.

In The Word // 1 Peter 1:3

April 22, 2014

Today is the first link up with Cassie for our In The Word Tuesday and I hope you join us!

The Easter service at my Church was about Peter and the decisions he made during the days leading up to Jesus’ death and the days following the resurrection. I thought it was so interesting that even though he denied Jesus three times, He didn’t love him less. He forgave him and added more responsibility to Peter’s life.

After thinking about that for a little while I wanted to read 1 Peter to prepare for today. As I was reading through the first chapter in 1 Peter, I felt so much power from verse 3.

We should live with GREAT EXPECTATION every single day. From the moment we wake up till our eyes shut to sleep at night. All day should be spent praising Him for what he has done. Anticipating and hoping for His presence in everything we do. Calling for it and asking for Him to make himself known.

Now, this is a lot easier said than done. That is the sad truth. We get caught up in our busy lives so easily and forget to anticipate His goodness. Stressful moments are filled with the enemy instead of finding our Savior. When I realize what I am feeling – anxiety, worry, tension, or even steadily moving through the moments that fill my day – I instantly want to sit at His feet and ask for forgiveness. Those moments when I need Him the most are the ones that I rely on my sinful nature, trying to complete everything on my own.

But just like Peter, I am forgivin. He knows my weakness and He knows my heart. He loves me despite all of the wrong decisions. He is Love.

Over the next few weeks I am going to make a point to dig deeper in His word. Normally, if I enjoyed a sermon at church I would soak it in and then move on. I would start soaking in the world around instead of more of His word. I'm so glad that I searched for more of Christ and spent some time reading 1 Peter. He uses that time to teach us and prepare us for the moments ahead. I know that and I am so thankful for a God that will never turn His back on me. He will always be there. He is alive & I will live with great expectation because of it.

Alright, its your turn! Grab the button below and add your link below to share your In The Word with us! 
Also, use the hashtag #InTheWordTuesday to share on Instagram and Twitter! 
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Easter 2014.

April 21, 2014

My favorite holiday most definitely Easter! I love that the reason for this holiday is solely on Jesus and what He did to save us all. From the moment we got married I called dibs on this day. I told everyone that we would be spending Easter at our house and we would make lunch. I wanted to celebrate Jesus and serve others with my husband in our home. 

Peter and his family typically have lamb for Easter and I gladly adopted that tradition. We were in charge of the meat and asparagus, my mom brought her delicious horseradish mashed potatoes and carrots, then Peter's mom brought my favorite Arabic meal, Kibbeh Labanieh and her amazing rice pudding. We were so stuffed and happy. Exactly the way you should be on a holiday! 

I was also super excited to use all of my china for the first time. It was such a special day and I'm so happy we could spend the afternoon together and celebrate a risen Messiah. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter surrounded by people you love.

ps. Tomorrow is the first day that Cassie and I will be hosting our In The Word Tuesday link-up!
Tomorrow, I will be talking more about what I've been reading and studying lately in His Word during this special time of year. Come back and share your heart with us. No rules, restrictions, or prompts; we just want to hear what Christ has put in your heart! We are excited about this project and hope that it will give us all an opportunity to connect. So, grab the button below and connect!

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Friday Five

April 18, 2014

This week was so much better than the last and I'm not going to lie, most of it was because Peter wasn't traveling for work. Things are much more fun when he is around! Even sitting down to have dinner together around our kitchen table made us thankful. Those are the good things in life, the little moments that make your heart happy. Here are some other things that made me happy this week... 

1// I have really enjoyed the #projectlove challenge on Instagram!
Check it out and feel the love :)

2// blogging about our sweet chicks moving out to the backyard this week!
So happy I can check this off the To Do Lists!
*read the full post here.

3// this Sweet Kale Salad mix is amazing and it makes my tummy so happy.
Go to Publix or Costco and get you some!!

4// so excited to give this recipe a try for Easter Sunday!!
Just looking at the photo makes my mouth water.
*recipe found here, and such a seriously awesome blog!

5// the fact that my sweet friend, Cassie (yes we have the same name - it is awesome!), and I will be hosting our first link-up together on Tuesday! We thought it would be a great way to share with everyone what we have been studying in God's word and learn from each other, plus all of you.

Please join us if you would like to share what God has been teaching you through His word recently!
Grab the button below and com back on Tuesday so you can share the link to your blog.
Also be sure to use #inthewordtuesday on Instagram and Twitter! 
 photo sagetheblogsweetnessitself.png

Hope you all have a blessed weekend!!

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