
weekly three.

May 12, 2017

It has been quite the week for us. Solomon has been in rare form thanks to some canine teeth coming in. We are all tired. There has been a lot of crying (some on my part as well) and barely any sleeping. God bless, that Wednesday night of solid sleep, though! But, I have to say that with the weekend ahead full of celebrations for mothers, I can't imagine my life any other way. I'm so thankful and overwhelmed by this big love that I'm so blessed to experience. Even if that means I am sleep deprived at times - motherhood is hard. Really, really hard, but is also really, really good! Here's to all you mommas out there, hope you get a bunch of hugs and kisses from your little people!

Trying to pay attention to my monthly goals and spend more time outside with this boy! It makes him so happy....

Artwork from Solomon that made my heart almost burst thanks to the sweet ladies at the gym childcare.

& more craft time this morning at the Children's Museum! 

busy weekends.

May 9, 2017

Poor Solomon spent most of the weekend in the car, which is definitely not one of his favorite things to do. When we were in Asheville a couple of weeks ago, we picked up tickets to see one of our favorite bands. In typical Cassie form, I didn't realize how busy that weekend was going to be, or I probably would have told Peter it was a bad idea. But, we had the tickets and we decided to be brave parents and tackle the busy weekend. I'm honestly surprised at how well it turned out, besides the awful sleeping Solomon experienced, once we finally  made it back home. I'm starting to realize that weekends away (or vacations) are a little rough on his routine now that he's getting older. I guess it's a small price to pay for a lot of fun memories and exciting trips! Thankfully he gets back into his groove quickly. Anywho, on Friday we decided to make a quick trip to Asheville for the concert, then head to Charlotte on Saturday morning for sweet Giovanni's baby dedication. It was nice to have a little trip with just the three of us, and then spend some time with the whole family, too. 

Solomon's first concert, we will definitely remember this chilly and wet night. We all got bundled up with our rain boots and had a great time. Thankfully Solomon really loves music, if he didn't I don't think we could have enjoyed an outside concert in the rain with a toddler. Unfortunately, the photos aren't that great thanks to my phone and the weather, but I couldn't not share some of these shots!  
Once the music started, and as long as we didn't let him spot in huge puddles, he was happy to stay in our arms (or on daddy's shoulders) and enjoy the music! These cute pictures of Peter and Solomon jumping in some puddles makes me smile though... he loved it. 

Highland Brewing definitely has some amazing food truck options! We enjoyed a great BBQ sandwich when we arrived to the show but Solomon was getting hungry and he started to yell "pizzzzza" when he saw people eating a slice. He was so excited to eat some pizza! Those cute little lips kill me....

We tried our best to tire Solomon out at a park before the ride to Charlotte on Saturday morning but it didn't work... he was full of energy and not interested in a nap. But, it was nice to get some fresh air and let him play around before the ride. The way he is climbing the stairs in the below picture with no help makes me want to cry. Please stop growing up, sweet boy!

Giovanni's baby dedication was so sweet. I really love how their church planned it and put so much thought into it. Each family picked a bible verse for their child, and the pastor prayed for each family separately, after reading the bible verse aloud. I couldn't help but think back on Solomon's dedication when he was just three months old! 
All these boys are so lucky to have each other... the babies that aren't quite babies any more.

weekly three.

May 5, 2017

We are heading back to Asheville today to see St. Paul & The Broken Bones and we are pretty excited to bring Solomon with us. His first concert!! We got him cute sound canceling head phones to protect his ears and he seems to like them, so hopefully he won't mind wearing them. We are also hoping that the weather will cooperate with us since the concert is an outside show. He already loves the band, and it was actually his first concert while he was growing in my belly. He kicked and danced around then, so I'm excited to see him show his moves tomorrow night at the live show. Our little music lover, he's going to love it for sure!! Hope you have a fun weekend, too! 

Chocolate cake after the Eliya family dinner this week. Mmmm, Publix, you are so good! 

Catching him playing with the curtains (which isn't allowed) but taking this sweet little picture. He's so cute!

Hotel fun with my guys! 

Goals // 5.17

May 2, 2017

April was a wonderful month for us. We had so many fun things to do and I'm excited about the fun things to come in May. It might be even more fun than April, which is always a nice thing. I love it when months seem to get better and better, full of memories and sweet moments with those we love.
Now on to last month's goals.... 

April Goals
1 // start meal planning and figure it out - I have been doing really well and trying my best to put time into this task so I can do it well. The trip to Asheville kind of threw the plans for a loop since we were gone for 5 days and it was hard to get back on the meal planning wagon once we returned. I'm already set for this week though, and I'm looking forward to the weeks ahead with planning.

2 // finish our entire house zone cleaning schedule - hmmm.... this didn't happen. Ooops, I have kept  up with the cleaning schedule but I do need to focus more on the weekly zones and tweak them a bit. I'm going to keep this goal around in May.

3 // fix the yard with my mom (you are welcome, mom!) - I'll admit that I actually enjoyed working in the yard with my Mom. It still has a ways to go but it is looking better than ever!! I'm excited to finish it up with her soon. One step at a time, but it will get done.

4 // schedule our family dentist appointment - on my list of things to do this week!! I swear. ;) 

May Goals 
1 // spend more time outside with Solomon
2 // learn more about essential oils
3 // organize Solomon's room and clothing 
4 // finish our entire house zone cleaning schedule 

strawberries, a bunny & sweet boys.

May 1, 2017

Happy May! I can't believe it's May already, but the weather is warm & the strawberries are ready to be picked. We went on our first strawberry picking adventure first thing on Saturday morning! I'm pretty sure this was my first experience picking strawberries, unless I forgot doing it when I was little? It was a lot of fun but I was surprised how quickly it got hot out in that field. Hunter boots are great for muddy rows of strawberries BUT not so great for sweaty days. Momma was uncomfortable, and Solomon wasn't that into picking strawberries. He mainly wanted to pick one, take a bite, toss it on the ground, then go running for the mud. Typical boy. Spending a majority of the time running after a wild boy, and trying not to slip on my butt like Solomon did, can be exhausting. His little muddy butt was pretty cute, so I forgave him, he is a boy after all. Jonah and Solomon were on the save wave length when it came to the picking... but Jaden loved it. He was glad to pick up the slack and fill our buckets for us! Sweet boy, so thankful that these guys have each other to create memories together. 

the muddy butt I was speaking of.... yea, pretty cute. 

Sweet hugs! Solomon isn't always interested in the hugs that Jaden wants to give but every now and then he will freely give them. Love the way he is kissing his head and how Solomon's hands are holding on. 

Very thankful for the playground for the little guys!

Their serious expressions are everything in this picture!

We also met the cutest little bunny named Strawberry! They found the bunny in the strawberry fields so they decided to keep it at the farm. The boys were so excited to pet it. 

Proud big boy with his strawberries!

& Solomon's face while eyeing this strawberry makes me giggle so much.
"Is this miiiiiine?!?"

Our boys and the berries!! We missed daddy (since he had to stay home and work in our garden all day) but we were thankful to have a fun morning with family! Happy May, everyone... hope you find some yummy strawberries. I definitely recommend Beechwood Farms for any one local who wants to go picking! I'm honestly really excited to head back in the fall for some pumpkins!!! 
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