
Asher // two months.

February 28, 2018

Baby boy,

You are getting so big and I can't believe how quickly the past two months have flown by. You add such a joy to our family with all your smiles and need for face to face time. You love it when we talk to you and give you attention, and we obviously love doing it, especially your big brother! Even if he loves a little too hard sometimes, I have a feeling you will welcome it once you get a little bit bigger. I can see the two of you wrestling and playing and becoming best friends in the year ahead and it makes me so happy. I'm so thankful to have two little boys to grow up together and love each other and need each other. You are so lucky to have Solomon and I pray that you learn to be sweet and loving and kind like he is. You are our sweet baby boy, and we can't wait to see how you grow and learn in the next month ahead.

I love you so much,

stats //  14l.13lbs & 22in

eating // definitely loves his milk! He even kicks his legs and smiles with anticipation when I'm uncovering to feed him. As I mentioned in the latest Day in our Life post, all he wants is milk and cuddles, which means he drains me completely dry some nights. The same happened with Solomon during his second leap but thankfully Asher is a better sleeper at night so I get a break to make more milk. 

sleeping // like I said, his sleeping is pretty awesome. 
His nap schedule is typically.....
then he will go to sleep for the night between 9:30-10:30 
and sleep till 2-3, then he'll nurse and sleep again till 6:30 
So, I'll take it! I'm hoping the sleeping will become even better after this second leap and we can move the bedtime up to around 9PM. He's still sleeping in our room in the pack and play at the end of our bed but once he wakes around 2-3 he comes to our bed to nurse laying down and sleeps with me. He loves to cuddle, and I love it! 

wearing // moved up to size two diapers and wearing some 3-6 month clothes. Most of his 0-3 month clothes will fit but they are definitely getting snug! 

favorite things // he gives Peter the goofiest grin when ever he comes home that is so funny!! loves to be walked around and riding in his sling, especially outside. sleeping in his crib for naps with his sound machine. still a big fan of bath time! 

a day in our life // 006

February 27, 2018

I added this to my monthly goals for February because I wanted to make it a priority to capture how my day looks at this stage in motherhood. Living out our day on a slow Monday morning, with a sweet and silly toddler, and a cute and cuddly baby. I know that the early days with a newborn go by so quickly and it is so important that I remember the little details that filled our day. These day in the life posts are my all time favorite to look back on. So many sweet details that I would have forgotten if I didn't take the time to record them. I never want to forget these days of loving on my two baby boys!

2.26.18 // monday
Of course my first Day in our Life post with two boys was very long and weird thanks to Asher's second Wonder Week Leap. He's normally a much better napper but today was a different story.

6:30 - Most mornings start between six and seven and I usually have to go downstairs with Asher so Solomon and Peter can sleep a little more. Peter wakes up around 7:30 to get ready for work so I have some alone time with Asher downstairs. Solomon is back in our bed a lot lately and we both don't have the energy to push it. Some nights Peter will take him back to his bed but most nights he ends up in our bed around 2.

I change Asher's diaper and he is always super happy in the morning. Definitely a morning person, unlike me and his brother. I put him in the swing and I clean the kitchen and empty the dishwasher. 

7:20 - Peter comes down to fix coffee and eat breakfast. 

7:30 - Solomon comes down starving and whining so I fix bagels for us.

7:50 - Peter leaves for work and I finish cleaning the kitchen after breakfast. 

8:00 - head into the playroom to drink my coffee and let Solomon color. 

8:25 - I nurse Asher for a bit before he falls asleep. His first nap is always around 8:30, no matter when he wakes up for the day. He falls asleep after a little milk and bouncing on the playroom couch. 
I turn on the TV for Solomon so he can watch a little bit while I go lay Asher down in his crib. 

8:40 - lay down Asher for his nap.
I then go make my bed and put away laundry from the day before.

9:00 - I put in the daily load of laundry. I'm finally caught up on laundry and I'm trying to do one load a day so I don't get behind.
I then go to clean up the living room while Solomon finishes watching an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

9:14 - Asher wakes up from his nap and I change his diaper.

9:20 - we head back to the playroom with some animal crackers for Solomon and milk for Asher.

9:45 Asher is finished nursing and I need to change Solomon's morning dirty diaper and get him dressed. I brought down some clothes earlier this morning for him to change.

9:50 - switch the laundry to the dryer while the boys lay on the floor together.

10:00 - play with puzzles with Solomon and talk to Asher in his Rock and Play.

10:50 - lay Asher down for another nap and set up paint for Solomon so I can read my bible. 

11:35 - more puzzle fun with Solomon before Ashe wakes up. I always try and use some of his naptimes to have some one on one playtime with Solomon. We both need it! 

11:50 - Asher wakes up starving since he didn't nurse to sleep and Solomon wants to play upstairs so I end up nursing Asher on our bed while Solomon plays. This is becoming a regular thing which I don't mind at all. I love to sit quietly and watch him play and jump on the bed as Asher drinks his milk. 

12:00 - Peter comes home for lunch and comes upstairs to find us. He makes PB & honey sandwiches for all of us while I finish feeding Asher. 

12:20 - I take Asher downstairs and put him in the swing while I take a quick shower and finally change out of my pajamas. 

12:30 - I sit down to eat my sandwich Peter made me after getting ready. Once I'm done eating I go to change Asher's diaper since he's fussy. I get to hold him and play with him while Solomon plays with daddy. 

12:50 - Peter heads back to work and Solomon plays more puzzles. He is ALL ABOUT puzzles lately. 

1:05 - I nurse Asher again, I want to get him super full so he will have a long afternoon nap. 

1:40 - I lay Asher down in his crib and let Solomon have some TV time while I work on this blog post. 

2:15 - Asher wakes up crying and I bring him back to the couch for cuddles and more milk.
This second leap is crazy, all he wants is cuddles and to nurse. 

2:40 - he's not in the mood to sleep so I let him lay and and look at the lights while Solomon finishes a show. 

3:00 - Solomon needs a snack so he finishes a leftover grilled cheese from the night before and devours it. 

3:15 - Asher finally poops for the day and I think this might help him rest and sleep better in his crib?

I change both of the boy's diapers and this always leads to cuddle time on the floor. Asher usually gets bored of it after the 10th kiss, haha! ;)

3:40 - back to nursing again and he is wide awake staring at me while he drinks until around 4 and starts to doze off. 

4:00 - I turn on the TV again for Solomon so I can go upstairs and try to let Asher fall asleep easier without all the big brother noise. Most days aren't a back and forth kind of dance with naps and Solomon doesn't get as much TV time, but days like today, it's the best option to keep him entertained while I try and help Asher sleep. 

4:15 - I put him down again and run downstairs to try and finish editing these photos and type up the post. Asher wakes up crying before 10 minutes so I give up. 

4:24 - I go to get Asher again and decide to just hold him and cuddle since he seems to need that most today. 

5:20 - he wakes up from a long nap of being held the entire time and Solomon has enjoyed WAY too much TV, so we decide to go in the playroom and color until daddy gets home. 

5:45 - Peter gets home and we go to his Mom's house for dinner. Asher is wide awake most of the time at dinner and sleeps in a rocker there for maybe 20 minutes at most. 

8:20 - we hang out at his mom's house with family until it's time to head home for bed time. Before we leave we change the boy's diapers and my SIL snapped this picture. It is one of my favorite pictures so far since Asher has been born. I love how it shows our teamwork of parenting... I'm so thankful to have a husband who does the "dirty work" of parenthood with me. He changes the diapers, does bathtime and rocks babies; and I'm so thankful for it!! 

family bike ride.

February 26, 2018

It was a weekend full of beautiful weather, and we definitely started it off right on Friday, at Swamp Rabbit! We always try and spend our Friday morning at the SRG for some breakfast and play time, but we ended up having a busy morning. I thought it would be fun to go for a late lunch and take the dad's with us this time. Peter's brother spotted the huge group bike and was dying to rent it. We all thought it was joking but when the little ears heard him, we knew we couldn't change their mind. It looked like so much fun but it was a little scary. Don't get me wrong, it was fun, but we also had to newborns strapped to our chest on the back seats. We were crying from laughing so hard!!! You can have an adventure of your own and rent the bike at Swamp Rabbit Trail Bike Shop 

I love the fringe on the bike so much!!! 

cute boys, my new favorite Jonah & Solomon picture! 
....with a little bit of Jaden. Even with Solomon's Larabar face.

the first bike ride for the babies!!

we had to get out with the babies so the guys could turn the bike around, it was so funny. Instead of a 3 point turn, it was more of an 8 point turn. Peter got a good glute workout though ;) 

It was such a fun family adventure that we didn't even plan to have. 
I really love Fridays when we can all hang out and make memories together!! 
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