
Asher // fifteen months.

March 31, 2019

Another month goes by and my baby boy is slipping away before my eyes! He is full on walking now which makes things so much fun. He is SOOO close to standing up on his own, but can't quite pull himself up straight, so he has to crawl to the closest thing to pull himself up to walk again. Once he figures that out, he will be 100% walking. I love to see his little hands up in the air as he's trying to balance. It's such a sweet phase, that's for sure. He has definitely grown up a lot in the last month, thanks to that crazy 9th leap. He is more aware of so many things and trying his best to communicate, even if he doesn't have the words yet. I can't believe he's 15 months old... time needs to slow down! 

his little right hand, always out for balance, and his cheeks jiggles when he walks. haha, two of the things I don't ever want to forget!

Wanting to go see the chickens!! 

  • Slimmed down a lot from all the walking, so now he can wear some of my favorite pants from when Solomon was smaller! It seriously makes me so happy to see him wear his big brothers clothes!!!
  • LOVES to be outside and will stand at the door screaming till we finally go out. As soon as daddy gets home from work he starts pointing to the back yard to go see the chickens with him. It's so cute!
  • Still pretty attached to mommy right now and won't let anyone put him to sleep still, but I'm hoping this will change in the next few weeks, since Gigi will be with him while Peter and I are out for some weddings. 
  • SO obsessed with Solomon also, he literally follows him around trying to copy everything he does. It's so sweet to watch. They have also started to play really well together and Solomon even asks for him to play with him sometimes. 
  • Favorite foods recently include: oranges, any kind of meat, eggs, blueberries, peanut butter and honey sandwiches & pretty much anything that I'm trying to eat ;) 
  • The sleeping at night has gotten much better after some molars have cut through! He even had  a solid 8 hours of sleep a few nights ago and I was shocked. He hasn't done that in MONTHS.
  • Almost all his molars are in, the bottom two came first and then the upper left, still waiting on the upper right to come in. 

1 comment:

Julie | A Hopeful Hood said...

What a cutie!!!! Welcome to the world of two kids's a wild ride! ;)

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