
Asher // eleven months.

November 29, 2018

my sweet baby bear, 
How are we already one month away form your first birthday. I don't know. I'm amazed at how quickly the last year has flown by. I fell like it was yesterday that I had my big round belly and was hoping you'd be in my arms every single minute. Now you've been in my arms for almost a year. You definitely love being in my arms, and I love having you there. Even if that involves routine visits to the chiropractor for my back ;) 

You are sweeter and funnier by the day. I feel like the closer you get to your first birthday, the more personality you find, and we all love it! People can't be around you without wanting to smile and squeeze you. You are definitely living up to your name and I love it. Asher, meaning happy and blessed, then your middle name, Hackney. Your great-grandpa was such a sweet and happy man, but he also had a quick temper, and I laugh sometimes at how much that description fits you. I know he would have loved you! Both of your great-grandpas would have been crazy about you, that's for sure!!

the awesome "cheese" smile that absolutely kills me!!!

I know the next month is going to fly by with all the fun Christmas events and family fun, but I'm going to try my best to soak in every second. Every little memory of you taking in the twinkle lights and your silly dances to Christmas songs. This Christmas is going to be so sweet with you here. You make our family so full of love and happiness, and I don't know what we'd do without you. 
We love you so much!! 

& as always, Solomon wanted to join the photos which always makes Asher so happy.
See the big smile he always gives him below!

stats //  26.9 lbs

eating // still loving food and eats so much! He's eating pretty much whatever we eat now for dinner which makes things much easier! His favorite snacks are still blueberries and avocado. He's a huge carnivore also, if meat is in reach, he will eat it all before touching anything else. 

sleeping // most nights is just one wake up, sometimes two, but he is in his crib all night. He does not enjoy sleeping in our bed at all and will toss and turn until I finally take him back to his room. It makes me sad since I loved sleeping with Solomon so much, but it's ok, he loves to come and cuddle in the mornings. He usually will wake up around 7:30 and I will get him and nurse him in the bed, then he'll sleep a little bit longer if I'm lucky! Most days are only one nap also, which works a lot better for our busy schedule! He's snoozing most days from 12-3 for naps. 

wearing // still in 24 month/2T with some 18 month also. Thanks to the crawling and moving around the house constantly, he has lost some of the chub on his legs, so he can fit in 18 month-24 month pants really well now! 

firsts // enjoyed his first Halloween as Superman, standing and walking around while holding on to things, so many fun holiday events for Thanksgiving and the beginning of December, stopped crying at church nursery drop off (thank you JESUS!), went to the mountains and also ended up in the ER all in one weekend, and also climbed the stairs for the first time yesterday!

favorite things // playing with Solomon constantly since he pretty much only wants to do what his big brother is doing, crawling away from mommy with things in his mouth, smiling his big cheesy grin, giving kisses and eating food! 

family photos // 2018

November 27, 2018

I am FINALLY having a chance to blog our beautiful family photos from Molly Neely Photography and I'm so happy to share them!! This time of year is my favorite, even if it is crazy busy. Also another reason I haven't been able to work on this space as much as I'd like. I'm back though! Ready to end the year with so many family memories and sweet traditions! But, for now, more pictures of my favorite people!! 

These two, we are so so blessed!!

The best kisses!

My big boy!

we were laughing at Solomon trying to take care of Asher while we were taking these photos!

Such a fun afternoon with Molly, thank you so much for creating these memories with us!!!

fall festival & the 1800's.

November 13, 2018

Over the weekend, we realized that we didn't have any plans on Saturday morning, so we were excited to have a family fun day. I love when Peter and I get to take the boys out to do something fun, just the two of us. It's so nice to create new memories with them. I recently told Peter that I love parenting with him, and it's true. He balances me so well, and that shows when we are out and about as a family. We decided to head over to Roper Mountain Science Center to check out the Fall Festival for their November Second Saturday. This is our second time checking out the Second Saturday events and I loved it. You can really tell how much time and effort they put into the events, and that is something to appreciate! Roper Mountain also has a really neat Living History Farm that instantly takes you back in time. It's so fun to walk around and check out all of the buildings, garden and animals. Thankfully it was a BEAUTIFUL morning and the weather was absolutely perfect for a Fall Festival.

The garden that they have at Roper Mountain is what I would love to have in our back yard. Maybe one day, we will have the time and energy to make it look like theirs, cause we definitely don't now! 

While walking through the garden, I asked Solomon to turn around and smile, since this vine was so beautiful. He stopped and posed just like this and said cheese. Man, he kills me!! 

This guy made little figures with tin and it was fun to hear him talk about how big of a passion he has for his job. He travels around all over sharing his craft and it was interesting to watch him. Solomon wanted to take one home! 

Just chillin in his stroller, waiting for a nap! 

Milking a cow with my boy! I couldn't resist since I have felt like a cow for most of the last 3 years, ha! I also couldn't get over how gorgeous the real cow was in the barn. 

This little band played some beautiful music! 

This guy's outfit was my favorite!! He was a Cooper and it was really interesting to hear him talk about all the fun things he makes with wood. 

Such a fun morning with my guys!! Then we all went home and crashed for our afternoon nap, exactly what great Saturdays are made of, am I right?!?
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