
vacation littles.

July 9, 2018

Vacation is always a good time, but I can't help but feel so happy and blessed, when I have time away with my favorite people. Like always, traveling with Peter while he's working, makes me feel so blessed! Seeing new places, and staying in beautiful hotels (that we would never pay for on our own), is such a big gift. It was a wonderful week away and I wanted to remember a few of these things that made me smile..... 

one // While I was getting ready for dinner one night, I laid out the clothes for the boys, so Peter could get them dressed. When I came out of the bathroom, he had put Asher's clothes on Solomon by accident, but the hilarious part was how they actually fit! I died laughing when I came in the room and saw Solomon running around in his brothers 18 month clothes. 

two // The way our sweet boys completely shocked me each time we had to drive for more than twenty minutes in the car. I was really worried about the long car rides we would need to take to get from Fort Lauderdale to Marco Island, and then from Marco Island to Miami, but they were both so great. I was never worried about Solomon, but Asher made me nervous. But, he slept for almost 2 hours straight, even in over thirty minutes of stand still traffic!! It was a major answer to my prayers while leading up to our vacation!! 

three // Deciding we need to renovate our master bathroom, instead of our kitchen, thanks to the shower at the Marco Island Resort. It was incredible!!!! And sitting down on a bench to shave my legs was life changing. It may sound dramatic, but it's the truth. 

four // I can't believe it, but the "are we there yet" question has already started with Solomon. We all died laughing when he asked for the first time. We had just gotten in the car and hadn't even pulled away from the restaurant. 

five // Peter's patience and sweet moments with the boys made me so thankful for the really good man that I married, who has become a really great husband and father. We are so blessed by him in so many ways. 

six // My mom and Solomon laughing about inside jokes during his bedtime routine. He ended up sleeping in her room each night and he loved it. When we got home, and he had his first nap in his room, he woke up and the first thing he asked for was Gigi. I'm so glad he loves her and appreciates her like I do! 

Lemon muffin face (which he repeatedly called cupcakes) on the patio, before we went down to the pool for the day! 

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