
Chuckles and Bubbles!!

January 30, 2011

Just in case you women out there don't know about the Thursday Night Happy Hour for LADIES at Green Room I thought I would let ya know!!! 

It's pretty much the best thing ever!  From 4-7 ladies can have all the champagne they want!  

Yup... completely free!  Just come and enjoy some fun with your gals and sip on some bubbly!  

My group of girlfriends try and make time for this at least once every couple of months but we decided that we will be doing it more often after last Thursday.  I love girl time!!! 

Jocie, Kelley, Madison and I 
after some yummy apps and of course champagne! 

This coming week is going to be busy... teaching the classes again on Monday-Wednesday and then Thursday is my BIRTHDAY!!!!!  :)  I can't wait!  I have a lot of plans and of course I am sharing my Birthday weekend with the Super Bowl like I do EVERY year.  If only the JETS made it to the Super Bowl... now that would have been a WONDERFUL Birthday Gift! 

Yellow Happiness!!!

January 27, 2011

Today was such a nasty, drab, cold day and anytime that I looked out my window in my freezing office I imagined a beautiful SPRING day!!!  Birds chirping and all…

Yellow's definitely my all time favorite my color during spring so here are a few things that I will definitely have to have once spring finally arrives!!  Just a little eye candy for ya! ;)

This amazing stuff is already in my shower and it smells so good you could eat it… kidding.
I will definitely restock once spring arrives, the lotion is wonderful too!
Body Shop, $16 on sale for $10!!

I love how light and airy this hoodie is…
with a white tee and some jeans!  Adorable!!!
Francesca’s Collections, $34.00

This is so stinkin cute!!!  I just love the back… so pretty!
Forever21, $14.90

Looooove this!  It might be a little too much for “everyday” on your fingers
but for the tootsies, it would be delightful anytime!!
NEED SUNGLASSES, is the perfect name for this polish.
Found it on Google, $5.00

These are so beautiful... HAVE to buy these for a 
brunch and mimosa's with the ladies!!
Crate&Barrel, $6.95 per plate.

Perfect dress for a Spring Party!!! Everything about it is simple and classy!, $49.99

Thank goodness that after lunch the sun did make an appearance and I didn't have to pretend that it was Spring until I actually walked outside!!  I guess I'll take that. 

I have a day off tomorrow thanks to the classes I've been teaching so I am going to have lunch with Peter!!! YAY!  Twice in a week is a new record... wish I worked in Greenville sometimes! 

Random Fact... Tomorrow is a WEEK from my Birthday!!!!!  Big Twenty Four! 
(is it bad that I had to sit here and think about how old I would be...? I seriously thought 23 for a few seconds.  oh dear...)


January 25, 2011

I’ve been asked to teach a class called Money Smarts at USC Upstate for people who have recently been released from jail or have gotten in trouble with the law due to fraud/kiting/or anything to do with money.  Yea… no lie.

When I was asked if I would be interested I was also told that there would be 10 people at most in the class and it would be all women, with an Officer sitting in the class with me.  I thought about it and agreed to teach the class since this would look great on my resume and I could always use some practice with public speaking since that’s not my favorite thing to do.

I got all the information for the hour and a half classes that takes place in a 2 week time period on Monday – Wednesday.  I studied the info.  Made sure I was ready to teach… or try and teach without stuttering like an idiot.

Yesterday was my first class and after driving around for about 10 minutes and finding the classroom I walked into a class of TWENTY SEVEN people… where FIVE of them were women… plus a 2 year old.  I wanted to turn around and RUN!

I was freaking out!!!! 

After everyone was settled and had there information for the class I introduced myself and started the first section.  The over head projector had the same dialog as the printouts in front of everyone and I didn’t want to just go through and read everything out loud… I mean everyone can read it!  So I tried to summarize sections instead of reading word for word but I couldn’t make any sense of the words that were coming out of my mouth.  I tried to find a way to see the projector but not stand in front of it so I thought it might workout better if I sat down… also meaning I wouldn’t face the very large class and have to make eye contact. 

Sounds perfect!

I sat down and put the notebook on my lap and kept going over the first slide.  When I had to move to page two with the hand held control I dropped my notebook on the floor making all of my information go everywhere.  I wanted to cry.  I felt all the blood rush to my face and all the sudden I was hot and my palms were clammy.   

Just thinking about it right now makes my ears hot.  Eeeek!

Then I stood up and decided I would stand to the side and use the actual mouse for the computer instead since that would be much easier.  As I was going on to page 2 everyone started whispering and talking… I felt like a middle school teacher with a class of kids that didn’t care about ANYTHING I had to say.  Finally one of the guys in the front row said “we don’t have that page!”  Apparently the notebooks only had ODD pages!  Seriously… about to cry any second.

I then said well, let’s just go along with what’s on the screen and if you have any questions just let me know.  The director of the class said she would have new notebooks tomorrow with ALL the pages so the rest of the sessions would go smoother.  Uhhh… thanks! 

The rest of the class was a blur.  I started reading word for word instead of trying to summarize anything because I couldn’t event think!  I stood up reading and answering questions until 7:20 and completed 2 of the 10 sections and kept thinking, THANK GOD IT’S OVER!  After the class I talked to the director and asked if she had any advice.  She said “just don’t read everything word for word.”  All I could do was laugh.  I told her that I had no intention on doing that but was a little overwhelmed and would be more prepared for tomorrow’s class. 

Tonight was SOOO much better!!!  I wasn’t surprised by the large group of mostly men plus a few women & minus the toddler this time.  I had notes written to summarize instead of reading everything.  It was a lot easier since I knew what to expect.  It still makes me incredibly nervous to do anything in front of a crowd that I don’t know.  Give me a room of friends or co-workers and I will be just fine… but a room of people looking at me like this is the LAST place they want to be... well it’s a little intimidating!  Not to mention the ones sleeping which only makes me feel like the MOST boring person ever!

At least I can work on my speaking skills… by next Wednesday I will be a PRO

haha, at least I hope!!! :-/


January 24, 2011

I have found the BEST face wash, toner, and lotions!!!!!  I’ve tried a lot of different kinds and I found out a couple years ago (thanks to my wonderful friend Amanda Mulford) that Body Shop definitely has the best stuff!  It’s natural and not super expensive which is hard to find. 

I’ve used the VitaminE line for a long time but when the Natrulift like came out I jumped on it.  It’s for lines and wrinkles and all naturally made with pomegranates and other good stuff.  I always want to try and prevent lines because I am petrified of needles and surgery on my face! 
AH… I just got cold chills thinking of it!

Just recently I’ve tried the Green Tea line for problem skin because the Natrulift was HORRIBLE for my skin & my Mom’s too!  We both broke out like we were in Middle School again!  After using the Green Tea products for a week my skin is completely different!  It’s crazy. 

I use the scrub to remove make up and clean my face at night. 

I use this toner morning and night.
and let me just say, this is the BEST stuff EVER…
It’s also amazing when you put a dab on our Q-tips and clean your ears.  
So clean and tingly!

I put this on at night with a little bit of the blemish cream if I have a spot to get rid of. 
They are both wonderful! 

In the morning I use this foaming wash in the shower and it's so great to 
get everything squeaky clean and wake me up as well! ha 

This weekend I am going to buy some of this day cream to use after the foam
and before I put my makeup on. 

Last but definitely not least… everyone should go buy this eye make up remover!  I’m serious!!! 

Even if you don’t use the rest of their products this stuff will change your life!  
It’s so soft and works like a charm without burning if you accidentally get some in your eyes… 
because we all know that happens!  

Hope you guys take my advice and give The Body Shop Skincare a chance!  The girls that work there are so amazing and helpful so if you have any questions about what your skin type should use they can show you exactly what you need.  

Right now I'm going to enjoy some wine and The Bachelor with Mom!!! :)  I am LOVING this season...  definitely Team Chantal O!!  She is SO beautiful and they click like CRAZY

January Dinner Club!!

January 23, 2011

 This month was at my house and I LOVED IT! 

It was so great to have all my wonderful girlfriends over and treat them to some pasta!! 

I made cheese tortellini with grilled chicken and parmesan marinara!!
This was after serving everyone, forgot to take a picture before… ooops!

We also had bread with EVOO and Balsamic dip with some grinded yummyness on top!  
Always a hit, thank you Madison for the delicious bread!

After some bread and wine we had salad, thanks to the lovely Katie Ayer! 

After eating the pasta we had this scrumptious dessert from Chef Beth!!!
Nutela and Chocolate raviolis with pistachio and cherry ice cream and a candied mint leave! 
(Joy you would DIE!)

Jocie also made these adorable place settings 
(and helped with the dishes-love you) since we didn’t need anymore food.

And of course we had to have our signature picture…
That I’m sure we will still be doing when we are 60, right ladies!?! ;)

I love every one of you SOOOOOOOOO much!! 
And we missed you, Jessica!

Can’t wait for next month at Katie’s house!!!  
Mexican Food Theme or SUSHI, hmmmmm?!?!

Cyber Heaven!!

January 19, 2011

So… I have a new obsession!!!  MODCLOTH.COM 

It’s amazing…

And addicting…

I’m in love!!!!

They have the cutest, quirky, adorable, random things and the clothes are beautiful!!!  Most of the items have great reviews and the prices are awesome.  There are definitely some items that are a bit pricy but the quality and style is worth it!!  The Vintage collection is amazing also.  I’ve also gotten all my co-workers hooked on it… sorry husbands!  

The only thing that worries me is the fit of the clothes?  The website is a collection of different brands so some may fit different than others, but like I said the reviews are pretty good.  Plus, I’m lucky enough to have the BEST tailor ever, AKA Peter’s Mom!  (If you guys need a great Alterations Shop you should try her!  Fast Service Alterations, on Mills Avenue!)

I found this website thanks to my favorite blogger, the glamourai.  She has incredible style and her pictures are so stunning!  You will probably become addicted to her blog as well!  One of the dresses she wore in a recent post was from so of course I had to check it out.  SO glad I did!

Here are a few of the things that I will be buying soon!

How cute are these, I can’t wait to use them for a dinner party with my favorite girls!
They are so cute and I love the mix match color and design!!
 Mix & Munch Cutlery Set in MonochromeMix & Munch Cutlery Set in Monochrome

And this is perfect for my bathroom and so adorable! 
I have to have it, and with such an awesome price it would be a GREAT gift!
 Fresh as a Daisy Jewelry StandFresh as a Daisy Jewelry Stand

Like I said the vintage collection is really nice and the prices are pretty nice as well!
This wallet is so cute and such an awesome price!
 Vintage Sea Green Tea Clutch

This shirt is so stinkin cute I HAVE to have it!  It would be so great
with some skinny jeans and flats OR heels!!! 
 Nice to Meet You Top

And this dress is beyond gorgeous!  We all know how I love lace!!  It would be perfect for a party.
 Veil Veil Vanish Dress

And what a lovely LBD!?!?!  So incredibly classy!
Beloved Duchess Dress

I think I’m going to get THIS for my Birthday weekend… Perfect for a night out in Charlotte!
Tried and True Blue Dress

Oh, I could go on all night.... good luck not becoming addicted with me!! 


January 18, 2011

Yesterday I got to go to the Hospital TWICE in one day for 2 different reasons so that’s always fun!

I went to watch Peter play Basketball because I’m such a fabulous girlfriend and I’m so glad I did!  Right at the end of the 1st quarter Peter was trying to grab the ball from the other team and all the sudden he jerked his hand back and walked off the court.  He was shaking his hand while it was still in a fist and told the ref “I’m out!!” and the whole time I was thinking… UH OH!  Once he walked over to his team and opened his hand making them all jump and look away I knew exactly what had happened.

You see, this is the first time Peter’s left pinky has had a problem.  About 5-6 years ago he was playing football with some guys at Clemson and when he went to catch the ball it hit his pinky just perfectly to scrunch it down like an accordion.  At least that time was MUCH worse than last night.  When I saw that something was seriously wrong I ran across the court to see his finger…… yuck!!  There was a nurse keeping score so she tried to pull it back in place but that didn’t help much.  We realized that we definitely needed to go to the ER. 

The wait at the ER wasn’t too bad… we waited for about 10-15 minutes and then a nurse pulled us in a room to ask questions, check everything and then sent us back out to wait for an X-ray.  After another 10 minutes or so he went to have an X-ray to check and see what was going on.  The whole time waiting he said his finger wasn’t hurting, only a 1 on a scale from 1-10???  I was surprised! 

This is a picture of his finger while we were waiting for the doctor. 

After a little while longer a nurse came to get us and we went back to one of the rooms.  The doctor came in for “Mr. and Mrs. E-lie-ah” and I couldn’t help but laugh!!  Then he told us what Peter already knew since this wasn’t his first time his poor pinky has been injured… he would have to inject his finger with some anaesthetic and pop it back in place. 

I then asked if I could see the X-ray and he was super nice and said “yea, sure!! Follow me!”  I went in a room expecting to see the boards on the wall  where you click the X-ray film in place and turn on the light but it was a computer instead… with my surprise I said “WOW, this is neat!!” he laughed and said “yea, we don’t have those old boxes anymore since everything is so high tech now!”  I then informed him that Grey’s Anatomy still uses the boxes!!!  He laughed again and asked “REALLY!?!?”… haha, it was comical!  

This is the X-ray he so kindly let me take a picture of!

After making Peter wait even longer to have his finger back in place (SORRY) we went back to the room and the doctor picked up the needle… I learned that Peter does NOT like needles, but then who does like them!?!  After a few seconds his finger was so numb he couldn’t feel the needle anyways and the doctor popped everything back in place!  They had to take another X-ray to make sure everything was back in place and it was.  He said it hurts to move but they put a splint on his finger so it will stay straight.  Thank goodness he is right handed.

I’m so happy that I went to watch him play… not that I could do anything to make it better but it was nice to be there and be a “Mrs.” for the night! ;)

Side note: Just a little update on my grandma... she is doing better since she is on some medication but they are doing a lot of tests this week so we'll see what they say.  The doctors are trying to find out if it's a nerve problem or disc problem.  
Also, my other grandma is having a test done tomorrow so keep them both in your prayers.  I appreciate it! 

Purses and Football!!!

January 16, 2011

I love weekends!!!  Especially weekends where I get to spend time with my wonderful girlfriends!  I hosted my first solo party last night… by accident.  Mom and I were planning on having a Thirty-One party for a couple months now but my Grandma had to take a trip to the ER and my Mom had to take her… of course since the ER takes FOREVER to do anything she was there all day & night!  

I spent yesterday morning going to Total Wine… and then Trader Joe’s for the first time and I fell in love!!!  I love that It’s not HUGE  and overwhelming, the food isn’t crazy expensive like Whole Foods and the employees are SOOO nice.  I got the BEST Spinach and Artichoke dip ever, everyone loved it and the bowl was scraped clean!!  Super easy to prepare too… put the frozen chunk of dip in a microwave safe bowl and cook it for 2 minutes, stir and serve AND it’s only $2.99!  LOVE IT!!!  After some shopping for everything I came home to clean the house and get everything ready expecting my Mom to make it home so she can start the food while I shower and get ready like we planned but NOPE… she didn’t make it home till after the party was finished.  So yes, I was running around like a crazy lady but everything was successful!

The party was so much fun and I enjoyed time with the best women I know while we drank wine, ate some delicious apps and shopped of course!  Here are some pictures with the wonderful women!  

My awesome co-workers came from Spartanburg 
and I LOVE them for it!!!! 

And my wonderful soul mates… 
Love them so much!

After a fun Saturday night I was pretty darn excited for the JETS vs. PATRIOTS game!  Of course had some pretty high hopes and faith for my wonderful Jets but they were INCREDIBLE!!!  It was such an awesome game!! Peter and I went to Green Room to watch the game like always while wearing our Jets attire and we were so HAPPY!  At one point jumping up and down screaming… or at least I was!  ;)  Here’s a shot of our “Celebration Shot” after the amazing win! 

But… after a great weekend I am very happy to have tomorrow off!!! I have plans to eat lunch with Peter (which doesn’t happen often), go see my grandma  in the hospital (she’s doing a little bit better), then head to the gym for the first time since the New Year!  Ready to get back in there since I can breath and finally stopped coughing!  It’s going to be a wonderful day!!! 
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